I have looked for it since, but had pretty much completely given up hope of ever finding it - until tonight. Just by chance I clicked through to the Cotton & Cloud blog because there was a very cute lunch tote from there featured on Whip Up and I wanted the pattern. It was late and I was a bit bored so I thought I'd check out the Cotton & Cloud shop and oh I can't say how glad I am that I did! Because there, in all its glory, was as much as Blossom as I could afford (not a lot given the NZ dollar), in all the colourways AND ON SALE. I literally almost fell over. Or off my chair as the case may be. So I now I have some of the pink winging its way to me from half a world away and I'm stoked. Of course I have no idea what I'll make with it - but I'm going to force myself to do something because I'm damned if I'll hoard it and never use it for fear of ruining it or getting it wrong. I've guarded my 20cm strip with a fierce devotion but now I can make a couple little things out of it without fear! Whee!
I'd love to hear of anyone else's longed-for but unavailable fabrics :)

The colour's a bit faded in this photo, but it shows the detail nicely.