19 September, 2009

More spring flowers

After yesterday's post, bought to you by mummy-angst and probably karmic payback from when I was horrible to my mum about handmade clothes, how about some lovely spring flowers?

Hazel and I picked this bunch the day before yesterday down on the trails near our place. In places the forget-me-nots were a carpet of blue, and the buttercups almost as thick. I saw another woman walking with a big bunch of forget-me-nots so I know we weren't the only ones wanting to take home a little bit of the sky!

Spring flowers

These little Johnny-jump-ups grow wild in our garden and I love it. When we first moved into our house we had a guy who mowed our lawns every couple of weeks. He fancied himself a bit of a garden expert and explained to us that if we didn't control these pests they'd take over our garden. We recoiled in horror - just like the lawn daisies, they're so gorgeous how could anyone not want scads of them? They make me happy every time I see them.

Johnny jumpups

The neat thing is that they've hybridised with the violas that we've planted in previous years to come up in all sorts of variations on the basic theme. I think the original ones are actually those in the background with more yellow, the ones in the foreground are all ours!


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