07 September, 2009

Bag for Hazel

In order to get Hazel to come willingly with me to a couple of fabric shops last month, I bribed her with the promise of a fat quarter of any fabric she wanted. Bad mummy! But hey, I sort of see it as starting off the fabric fetish young ;) She ended up with predictably little girl fabrics - one in purple and one in a peachy pink. What to do with them? Make a bag of course! I had the "Kid Flick" bag over at The Object Project bookmarked for awhile and it looked like an easy one. We even had The Little Mermaid DVD to use as the template! Hazel sat on my lap and with many dire warnings about fingers being sewn we sewed it up together. The only thing I did differently than the tutorial was zigzag all the raw edges before we started. It turned out beautifully! I especially liked that I could use up a couple of old bracelets that were hanging around the house. As a teenager in the 80s I had an armful and Hazel's inherited them, so there's plenty more to make future bags! But even if you are younger than me and missed out on that particularly fabulous fashion trend, suitable bracelets would be very cheap at a $2 store or similar. I think the bag would also look great with boxed corners and it would be easy to make a little larger too as it doesn't take up a whole fat quarter by any means.

Bag for Hazel

I was really keen to make one of the teacup flowers from the same site to go on it, but the peach fabric defied a match with anything in my stash (really not a colour I would normally go for) so today I made a quick felt flower for it from this tutorial here. It was supposed to look a bit like a white camellia but...well it looks flower-like anyways! :D Hazel was quite thrilled with it.

Bag for Hazel

Oddly enough it turns out the bag matches the skirt Hazel chose to wear this morning, not that I realised it until I looked at the photos!


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