02 March, 2009

I hate computers

The struggle betwee me and my computer, Word, and printing to pdf continues, I think I'm winning but I won't know until this afternoon when I take the thesis to the printer. I'll have all my appendages crossed that the images come out properly - which is what the problem is at the moment although heck, there may be problems that I'm not even aware of yet! Did I mention I hate computers?

On the bright side however, I got some more fat quarters in the mail today and I need to get cracking on taking some nice photographs of the seriously lovely fabrics I've been getting. I'm so blown away by the generosity of the swappers, including buttons and pouches and ribbons on top of the fat quarters themselves. I feel my single anadorned quarters were a bit thin on it now, but at least I know for next time how fabulous it is to open up an envelope and find unexpected delights. I have something to aspire to now. :)

Speaking of buttons - Dione from Sew Funky sent some buttons along in the swap, and since Mat had his studio lights at home I took them out for a spin. All I can say is that it's a skill! My favourite button was a round creamy white and it has a fabulous solidity to it so I focused on that

and added in some crystal buttons I'd bought ages ago off Trade Me and have yet to find a use for (though I have some ideas).

I don't think I really got the hang of the lights, I can see that you'd have to practice a LOT to get reliable results. They did make me feel rather professional though :)


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