For some unknown reason I'd been operating on the assumption that Easter was middle of March rather than middle of April. I don't know why because I distinctly remember looking up when it was awhile ago. Anyways, aside from the feeling of mortality and increasing senility this generates in me, it's such a relief! Wow, a whole extra month to do things in! The freedom, the lightness of being, it's amazing. I should do this more often - convince myself that Christmas is in November, that Hazel's birthday is in July... oh the possibilities are endless!
Things are NOT going well with my thesis corrections, I thought they were done and I'd emailed them off but unbeknownst to me I had managed to lose all the tracked changes and am now having to mark them all by hand which is taking forever and of course I keep finding more things that need doing. Tonight though, I will be done! To keep my mind intact I've been doing a bit of sewing - pattern testing for Natasha at Hanies, and starting on a pincushion from 'Seams to Me'. Choosing colours and fabrics is very soothing to a ruffled spirit. This blog started out about the conflict between archaeology and crafting, but sometimes one keeps me going on the other. Speaking of which, must keep going!