Sew Mama Sew wants to know about my stash tendencies. Talk about airing dirty linen in public! :P And kind of strange considering I did a
post not 2 hours earlier wishing I could get rid of some of it!
Click over here if you're interested in some of it :) I'm drawing for it tomorrow morning my time.
Clothes, stuffies, soft furnishings (cushions, curtains etc.)
- When you shop for fabric, what size cuts do you usually buy? (i.e. If you see something beautiful, but you don’t have a use for it right away, how much do you buy?)
Usually in 1/2 metre, metre kind of lots - unless I have a specific project I'm buying for, but even then I have a tendency to round up to the nearest half metre 'just in case' - hence half my stash. If I see something beautiful I would buy at least a metre, even two if I particularly love it.
- Do you buy on impulse or do you go out looking for something you need?
I impulse buy, or I go out looking for something specific - sometimes the latter leads to the former (blush)
- Are you a pre-washer? If you are, do you wash your fabric before you need it, or only when you’re ready to use it?
Absolutely, but only when I need it.
Yes, and put it through the dryer. Basically give it the treatment it might get when used, even if it's unlikely anyone would put it through the dryer.
- How do you sort it? (color, print size, collection, etc.)
Print type and fabric type mainly. I have patterned fabrics together, plains together, upholstery-weight together, etc. etc.
- Do you have any special folding techniques?
No, just folded neatly, or rolled up and tied with a long scrap.
- How do you store your fabric?
In plastic bins in the attic which is not ideal but relatively easy to get to and we don't have anywhere else to keep it.
- What tips do you have for building up a well-rounded stash?
None! It's a great concept though, so I'll check others' suggestions.
- When do you say enough is enough?
Now. There are fabrics in there many years old that I'll never use, it's embarrassing. I guess I realised enough was enough when even the bins were too small to hold it all.
- What are some of your favorite stash-busting projects?
Small stuffed dollies and animals and starting to think about quilting. That might help!
- Do you have a current favorite print in your stash? Let’s see it!
Anything Amy Butler (like half the world I think), I have several prints up there that I actually really do just take out and admire and put away. LOL, did I just admit that to the world? After I posted this I went up and grabbed down some of my favourites to photograph. I clearly can't resist showing off, I totally belong on a chat show. These are from the 'patterns' lot, and this was actually a very interesting exercise because I've never laid them out like this (can't you tell I'm not a quilter yet!). I'm now determined to get them organised by colour as well as pattern. Already I'm regretting how I laid them out for the photo, there are some out of order! That Ikea one at the far right is totally out of place, it should be in with that orange Amy Butler. I also learned that I clearly favour pinks (because Hazel looks so darn fabulous in it) and greens, with some orange and brown thrown in. There are reds upstairs in the plain/stripes stash, but nothing in pattern which is interesting considering how much I love it...

- What’s your definition of the perfect stash?
One that I was actually going to use in short order.