12 February, 2009

Going going...

I'll draw the stash give-away tomorrow morning my time, so if you haven't put your name down you've still got about...12 hours. Such good odds, do you think I can put my name down too? I never win the ones I enter I promise!

Apparently we had a record-breaking hot day here today, 32.8 C. I was suffering but I figured it must just be the high humidity, I'm quite glad I didn't know it was that hot! And only 50% humidity which is welcome after the 95% we had the day before. Too hot to do much except make felt hearts and not even that really.

I bought this dress pattern yesterday because the one on the left made me think 'wow' and I wasn't even looking for a dress. This is such a dreadful screen cap of the envelope it probably doesn't look like much to anyone but me; but it's a really snappy shirt-dress with these great sleeves that are straight for a little way and then full to a gathered wrist. Snappy I say!


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