19 February, 2009

Redraw! and pet peeves

It's been a week and no word from Heather who won the pink selection of fabrics, and I don't have any way to contact her so I've had to redraw. And it's a good excuse to use the random number generator too :)

And #1 is...Sue Cahill from Niagara.

At the moment I'm cutting out fat quarters for this give-away and for the Sew Mama Sew FQ swap and I'll tell you what my fabric pet peeve is - when the person cutting it doesn't do it on the straight. A couple of the 1/2 yards I split were shocking, obviously cut while folded in half and when they're opened up they're in the shape of a V almost. Sure they've given 19" instead of 18" but it still doesn't add up to 1/2 a yard if you need it to run on the grain. Seriously annoying and just sloppy work. I cringe when I'm at Spotlight (our local fabric/craft shop) and one of the girls, who clearly doesn't give a stuff, is cutting and the edge looks all jagged and I'm wondering if I'm going to get my metre or if it'll work out at 90cm in the end. I suppose I could complain and make them recut but I'm not that brave :P

Woof, we've got a tropical cyclone bearing down on us at the moment and the humidity is awful. It's not meant to hit us up in Auckland so much, but we're all expecting lots of rain and wind overnight and tomorrow. I must admit that part of me wishes we'd get hit square on just to give us some excitement - Auckland lacks weather excitement and growing up in Edmonton I'm kind of addicted used to it.


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