02 February, 2009

The clip issue

When Hazel was born she had a lot of hair (a hairy little bugger as someone said), it never disappeared and there has been more and more of it the bigger she gets. Needless to say very early on we collected a vast and varied array of clips, elastics and doo-dads to deal with it. The number of clips we've been through in the last 3 years must be keeping someone in business. But what to do with the ones she hasn't lost? Storing them has always been a nightmare - I really had no idea what to do with them. Jars don't work because it's too hard to fish out the one you want. Small bowls are better but stuff gets dumped out and messed around and other kids like to play with it. Then the other day I had a brainwave. Well I think I did, it's early days yet but it seems to be working: The clip ribbon!

The only ribbon I had lurking around was an assortment of this gorgeous French stuff I'd bought from my friend Rebeccah, but am generally loathe to use because it's so lovely and I don't want to give it to anyone else! I told you, I'm going to be an old lady with lots of cats, newspapers, fabric and expensive French ribbon. Ahem. It wasn't wide enough so I ironed two lengths on to some lightweight fusible interfacing and that also gives it a bit more weight. They're simply sewn onto a short piece of dowl with some vintage* rickrack from around an Xmas present (also from Rebeccah oddly enough, my local notions supplier obviously!) to hang it up. Oh, and a vintage* button glued onto a nail to make it all pretty and stuff.

Here it is in action

It was kind of sad going through all the clips and realising that some of my favourites have disappeared - there are a few singletons in there now. I know there must be more to go up, including some smaller ones!

*because as we all know, vintage is superior = me being very hip and cool. (text does not convey how much I'm giggling while typing this because really this obsession with vintage is kind of pretentious but like half the internet at the moment, I'm not immune)


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