About a year or so ago I came across mention of the revival of the UK-based '
Clothkits' company and was really taken with their clothes for women and kids and the way it all works. Basically you get the kit with the cutting lines and designs printed on the fabric already, and you just cut and sew it up. I remember things like this from my childhood, whether or not they were Clothkits or not I don't know. Anyways, the range was small but promising and I mentally bookmarked it and then promptly forgot. I came across mention of them again today and wow the range has expanded and I'm so in love! Damn this low NZ dollar, it makes them too expensive, but I need to share the love.

How about
this fabulous girl's dress featuring the Trellick Tower? Also available as a
skirt for women that I'm coveting big-time.

I'm also very much in love with
this skirt, to the point where I'm trying to convince myself it's worth over a hundred dollars plus shipping.

But seriously, how freaking cute is it? A puzzle? Love it!
And lastly another
girl's dress