13 February, 2009


ETA: I've redrawn for the pink lot as it's been a week and no word from Heather, the winner was Sue Cahill :)

I separated you all out into two groups for the pink and green, and Random.org gave me atmospheric noise-generated random numbers, so without further ado:


Which is Heather! Yay Heather from Bothell Washington


And that's Ana Louise from Jackson!

I have to say that I was suspicious of getting two 7s like that, but reminded myself that true randomness does generate clusters, which is one way to help distinguish it from someone trying to be random which generally results in an nice even spread of points.

So exciting was this number generating that I decided to go for a third, as yet undecided bundle, perhaps a mix of the above with something else thrown in. The atmospheric noise decided it should be comment #7! Just kidding, it's:
Which is Natasha, all the way from Berlin!

So if all you lovely ladies would like to email me at ... with your addresses I'll get this all off in the mail asap. I've somehow managed to sign myself up to Sew Mama Sew!'s FQ swap which means more rummaging and (god forbid) buying in new fabric :P


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