22 March, 2009


This afternoon we went out to visit friends who live at Muriwai, a local west-coast beach. We did the obligatory sun and surf and then met up for a dinner fish and chips on their deck looking out at the setting sun over the ocean. Sometimes I do actually understand why people are so darned desperate to live here, although I do think it'd be better if it was OUR house we were eating at :)

Mat and Hazel (with large piece of kelp)
Muriwai March 08

Being later in the afternoon in late summer the sun was quite low and the sparkles on the water were fantastic, all shimmery and dancing. I don't think photos really capture it...but of course I tried.

Muriwai March 08

Muriwai March 08

and on the sand too

Muriwai March 08

The west coast beaches have a lot of iron in them, like if you take a magnet down to the beach you can pick stuff up with it. Other than that fun activity, the black sands are very very fine, very clingy, and when you're wet you can end up quite black. We'll be getting black sand in the bath for a couple days I suspect...

Muriwai March 08

A traditional end to a post about the beach should be a silhouette photo - I'm such a sucker for the silhouette!

Muriwai March 08


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