I made this blanket for my friend Steph's second baby, who turned out to be a little boy named Isaac. He's heading towards two now, yikes!

Embroidered wool blanket, originally uploaded by Ansis68.
It was a surprisingly easy pattern to do - looks daunting but just takes time more than anything. The bees were the hardest because I get really nervous about doing things that require multiple steps because I'm convinced I'll screw up the final step and ruin the whole thing! Amazingly no bees were harmed in this process. Actually I lie, the hardest part was getting the eyes right, I had to rip those things out about 4 times until I got an expression that didn't contain pure evil. Seriously, the first attempt it looked like the most malevolent duck ever, holding the flower and thinking "I'm going to rip your throat out in a second". This one just looks a bit malicious but by then I'd given up caring about low-level evil. Overall I was quite pleased with the whole thing.
The binding is so wide because I dyed the blanket myself and ooops! it shrank from being just big enough to not quite big enough. The colour was absolutely perfect though. The pattern is from "The world's most beautiful embroidered blankets" by Inspirations Books. Australian I think.
Fabric-lovers should head over to Bunte Fabrics for her most amazing fabric give-away, and how perfect for me heading into winter too! Not that I ever win these things but what the heck, I love those printed corduroys and knits, we just don't see them down here in that kind of quality!