19 April, 2009

A decision

Thank you everyone who voted! I've decided that I'm going to make a skirt as Highway Cottage and Chef Messy suggested, and it was a real "d'oh!" moment when I read that suggestion as of course there is a pattern for a little pinafore for these dolls and I've made some already! Here I was contemplating all these complicated solutions when there was a very simple one staring me in the face. I think this will make everyone happy - I'm not redoing the doll and taking the majority of the voters at their word that it's not immediately obvious she has fallopian tubes (Mats's still laughing over that one) but satisfying myself and a couple other voters that it IS vaguely dodgy and could be minimised with a bit more work. I will be happy to send her off modestly clothed instead of anatomically correct :) And if some perv lifts up her skirt they will get what they deserve.

I've got an hour and half lecture to give tomorrow afternoon so today I need to devote myself to getting that ready and being a domestic goddess in the kitchen. Hazel wants to make Lamington muffins and I want to make blackberry jam. Or maybe blackberry and apple jam. Or blackberry and plum jam. Can't decide!


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