02 February, 2010


Here is a tally of projects completed since my last post:

1 x shirt for Mat
1 x twirly skirt for Hazel
1 x pink wool slippers for baby Amy
1 x cloth slippers for baby Rebecca
0 x photos taken

I need to get the clothes back on Mat and Hazel and if they are amenable then photos will be taken. Mat said "I suppose you're going to want to take a photo of this shirt for your bloggy thing" to which I probably replied "Well DER". Hazel just sighs and rolls her eyes like a practised teenager.

In lieu of a current photo I came across this one I took last October of some fabric buttons I made for a little girl's swing hoodie that we were handing down. Typical that I only got around to doing after it was too small for Hazel and the middle button had been missing for oh, a year? I really liked the flowery pink against the very modern lines of the jacket.

Jacket buttons, originally uploaded by Hazelnutgirl.


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