I can sew to my heart's content this weekend (and write lectures) because Mat's taken Hazel down to his parent's place for a visit. I've been half looking forward to it and half dreading it and that's about how it's panned out so far with one day down. Lots and lots of time to sew, can't think the last time I was sewing at 6pm and eating dinner at 8! I feel all grown up. On the other hand I feel like something is missing and the house is awfully quiet and still.
I'm going to have a hard time getting to sleep tonight, I usually end up having to read until I'm falling asleep so I don't think too much. It's not that I'm scared or anything, I just feel a bit discombobulated. Same when Mat's away for work, but it's worse with Hazel gone! Must be some sort of mummy instinct ticking away in the back of my brain saying "where's the baby? where's the baby?".
The photo is from my ongoing set of Friday photos, which can be found over here. Alrighty, I'm off to tidy up from my evening's endeavours and head to bed with the last of the Millennium Trilogy. Have you read these? If you haven't then I highly recommend them! In this case they really do live up to the hype.