15 February, 2010

Hat girl...bag girl...

Most of my hats..., originally uploaded by knitkid.

That previous post, plus a comment from Megan, made me think about being a hat-girl, or a bag-girl. I don't consider myself either, but I envy women who are.

I feel awkward and self-conscious wearing hats other than bog-standard sun hats. I feel like people are staring and thinking "look at that woman in the hat" in a bad kind of way. I think partly that's because I have the most enormousest head for a woman and I basically can't buy hats off the rack in a shop, they sit up on the top of my head in a most amusing way. Which is fine in the shop with a friend because it's funny and we all laugh and that's good. Less so if I have to wear it out on the street!

Bags are less fraught and more because I just never think to switch to a new one. I'm in desperate need of a couple of great little bags, and I have fabric and patterns, I just need to make them!

So I think that being a bag-girl or a hat-girl is simply a matter of mindset and I'd love to change mine. Hats will be hard though - any suggestions for first steps?


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