The other day when Hazel was in
Global Fabrics...well ok,
I was in Global Fabrics, she was in the little play area with their toys, she found a little mouse softie. It was pretty cute, obviously handmade, and she was very taken with it. Because she only has about a hundred stuffed animals already and there's always room on the bed and in the heart for one more, when she asked, nay
begged, me to make her one "just like this one", I agreed. When we got home she nagged me until I made a sketch of the mouse and then added the tail and critiqued my effort. Apparently the ears weren't at all like that
(though I beg to differ). The arms were sewn on but I think buttons would be great for ours.

The working title for the mouse is the Global Mouse, but no doubt Hazel will choose a much better name in time, just like she did for
Bobby Robin's teddy! He's about 20cm tall and I've been instructed that pink would be a good colour (does that make it a she?). Personally I think linen with a pink tummy would look great but we'll see if I can get that past the pink police.