Man I'm feeling so unmotivated to get doing anything at the moment. It's like I burned myself out before Christmas! I'm reading the books and feeling all inspired but I just can't make myself get on to the things I need to do next that are left over from before Christmas. The first one is the shirt for Mat, and then a couple things for me. Bleh. Well I suppose I just need to make myself start and then it'll be fine, but it's so hard! I'd rather start on something quick and cute and easy from I ♥ Patchwork but Mat is so keen for his shirt and I know that I need to do it first no matter what. It's all just displacement I'm sure, I'm just a bit nervous of sewing something for him in case he doesn't like it!
So in lieu of anything crafty I thought I'd share one of the things I like most about my blog stats - looking at the location of readers. There are some really neat town names in there! Here are some of my favourites from the last couple days:
Schwenningen, Baden-Wurttemberg
Eskisehir, Turkey
Titusville, Florida
Vadstena, Ostergotlands Lan
Schenectady, New York
Cocoa, Florida
New Iberia, Louisiana
Medicine Hat, Alberta
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Bumpass, Virginia
Heiloo, Noord-Holland
Biloxi, Mississippi
Traverse City, Michigan
Hlohovec, Trnava
Tallinn, Harjumaa
Tehachapi, California
Cagliari, Sardegna
Ziezmariai, Kauno Apskritis
Are you from any of these places? I want to hear what they're like because I love the names! A couple are familiar, but mostly they're exotic and far-away sounding, especially the ones with more consonants than vowels :) The only one I've been to is Medicine Hat but I can't go past that name!