I'm going to be solo-parenting this weekend with Mat away so I'm not sure how much I'm going to accomplish on the project list while he's away. Having said that I managed to read a good half of the second Millenium novel
The Girl Who Played With Fire (Oh so good! Read them now!) this afternoon while Hazel watched Charlie and Lola and played on the computer (bad mummy, bad! bad!) so perhaps I'll get in a bit of sewing, who knows. I'm in the process of redrafting the sleeve pattern for Mat's shirt and I'm feeling totally unconfident about how it will turn out. I wouldn't be half as scared of this if the fabric weren't treasured Heather Ross. I'd happily screw up plain old cotton or linen! Oh well, I suppose if I really render it unwearable I can always make Hazel one of those cute 'little girl's dress from man's shirt' ones from it!
I also made myself a quick nightie based on an old singlet, it's okayyyy but not great. The fabric I used isn't as stretchy as the singlet's fabric so it's a bit tight. I need to play with it a bit before I'd even consider photographing it! The fabric is a lovely burnt orange and hangs beautifully. I was going to use it for a proper dress and I like it so much in this nightie that I'm even more determined to get that dress done!
I took a few photos of the NZ natives in the garden when I was photographing Hazel and the puppy purse:
Flax or Harakeke (
Phormium, not

Flax seed pods
