Awhile ago someone on a blog somewhere posted some pictures from Quilt Fair (I think, it's all so hazy) and one of the things they posted was a 'cheater quilt', which wasn't something I'd really heard of. Well I suppose I had because I've seen the panels for things like that at Spotlight but I thought they were pretty tacky and never in a million years would I want something like that! But the one in this picture was neat and I was all "oooo, what a great way to get a nice quilt with all the fabric sorted and ready to go, especially for a beginner!". The fabric line wasn't out yet so I pretty much forgot about it until today when
True Up posted some highlights of the year and this cheater quilt (which I'm pretty sure is the same one from before) was one.

I'm slightly less enamoured of it now than I was before, it seems a bit busy or something, but I still like it a lot. It's from
Denyse Schmidt's Country Fair line The idea of a cheater quilt still really appeals to me, although I think ones like this are few and far between - most seem to be of the more traditional type. So maybe this one, maybe another, but the idea is firmly there in my head because I think I'd need to take a course on how to cut and piece a quilt, and figure out how much fabric and all that, but I can quilt by hand already.