Well it's meant to be a nightie, although Mat thinks it looks more like a sundress. I guess I think of it as a nightie because they can be all matchy-matchy and slightly twee - in fact it's kind of
de rigeur isn't it? Normally I have an abhorrence of those kinds of clothes so it's actually nice to allow myself to make something like that! Actually I'm not sure on the matchy-matchy front, it's actually a LOT harder to match fabrics in an artless, just-threw-it-together kind of way than I would ever have suspected. I respect people who can a lot more now! Amy Butler for example. I'm actually quite conventional in my choices I've found - I love that wacky completely mis-matched but that actually goes together beautifully look, but somehow when it comes to actually making that choice I get scared and go with the obvious. Some people get it absolutely wrong I must say; I'm not one of those, but I lack the "wow" factor. That's ok, I can admire wow in others :)

Despite both fabrics being from the same designer (Sandi Henderson) and both with 'lime' in the title (Lime Bouquet Toss and Lime Vintage Dots) I'm not sure the lime is actually the same! Or maybe it's the white surrounding the dots that makes it look paler.

The bunny is from the
Print A Day download
I posted about last month.