06 January, 2009

Darn it!

Yes Donna, there are darners out there. :) I thought the egg was a brilliant idea, not one I'd heard of but it made me go "hmmm...clever!". Last year I finally bought myself one of these classic little beauties

Well it's a cheapie, but I still love the darning mushroom! I actually enjoy darning, it's contemplative, fiddly, and has a nice defined point (haha) to aim for. With darning you know where you are and what's going to happen. And when it's done you've got a useful item again. Satisfying on so many levels :P

On the way out into the yard to try and photograph it in the last of the remaining light I was assaulted by a cloud of passionfruit vine hoppers that errupted from one of the hydrangeas, dashed around the corner of the house wildly waving my arms without somehow dropping the camera, dislodged the one that had made its way down my cleavage, and was greeted by this dahlia in the light of the setting sun (bigger image if you click on photo)

I was actually trying to include some of the dahlias in the shadows beyond but I think this first attempt actually captures the glow best. Then I thought the position was odd; but again, I think it's actually quite successful. The next image manages what I had in mind but is just kind of meh.

I'm not usually a huge fan of dahlias, but I'm coming around to them gradually. This one is a beauty. I still don't like the very regualar pompom ones though.

Yeah, so that's what happened to me on the way out to photograph a darning mushroom.


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