A few weeks ago I had a lovely email from Sew Mama Sew letting me know that I'd won the book Fa la la la Felt in a giveaway they were doing. Aside from the fact I was so gobsmacked I'd actually won something I was excited because the projects I'd seen looked fun, I love felt, and I had it on my wishlist over at the Book Depository. I've been anxiously awaiting it in the mail ever since!
It came yesterday so I thought I'd just share some of the projects that caught my eye. I've realised that several of them were from the same designers, Cathy Gaubert and Esther Coar, it's kind of neat when you connect to someone's work so consistently!
These little guys are my hands-down favourites!
Hazel's in love with these
Good enough to eat!
The layering and embroidery on these is lovely.
There are so many other great projects, including a swathe of stockings, it's definitely a book worth looking into! The Flickr Group is here. It's also available as an ebook from Zinio which is pretty cool, and it's cheaper than buying the actual book. I have to say though, there's something very satisfying about having a book in the hand!