21 May, 2009

Clothkits purchases

My wonderful friend Jess gave me a gift certificate for Clothkits as a graduation present and I was seriously like a kid in a candy store. I posted about the company ages ago but never thought I'd actually be able to get anything from them. I hardly knew where to start! I was able to buy two skirts for myself and a dress for Hazel. I documented the unwrapping process for Jess, although they hardly express the excitement I was feeling as I did it!

The packages:

The first skirt before I unfolded it:

They come with all the notions and everything, and you can see the cutting lines for the various sizes. I love how the facing for the skirt is a road with all the markings!

Second skirt:

Yes! It's the Trellick Tower one. Am soooo excited although I'm sure people will mostly look at and wonder why I've got a building on my skirt. Better bone up on it in case someone recognises it and I need to sound like I know what I'm talking about.

Last one for Hazel:

The colour really is that bright, the camera didn't cope at all well with it!

The pockets etc. are adorable:
I'll be honest, I really wanted to get Hazel this one, but she picked the pink without a second thought so I just bowed to her superior judgment :)

And to make all the cutting out easier, a lovely pair of shiny very very sharp scissors:

If anyone, including me, uses them to cut anything other than fabric they'll be very severely punished.

I'm a very happy camper at the thought of all these lovely things to sew up. Now if only I could fit them into my vast list of projects!


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