15 May, 2009

Hand sewing and embroidery

One of the reasons I like working on these felt bunnies is that it's all hand sewing and embroidery and there's something so relaxing about keeping your fingers busy and your mind elsewhere. I know there's actual physiological/psychological reasons for this, and it also encompasses knitting and straight embroidery (I find cross-stitch or tapestry to be particularly good). It's also highly transportable so you can move from room to room as child and/or shifting sunbeams require.

embroidery, originally uploaded by Ansis68.

I've never done felt applique before and it's surprisingly easy - I like working with felt more and more, even the wool blend stuff lends itself to this kind of technique. And I love this red, what a fabulous colour to handle and look at - bright and cheerful and brave. I think I feel a red bunny coming on! :D


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