13 May, 2009

Yoyos and Surprises

yoyos, originally uploaded by Ansis68.

So I've joined the rest of the crafting world and made a couple yoyos. I'm not really a yoyo kind of person, they seem a bit frou-frou on the whole but I need them for this project I'm working on. All very mysterious and hush-hush of course ;) So check back tomorrow because it's my birthday and since I'm a massive Lord of the Rings geek (honest, I belonged to the fan club and everything) I'm going to go with the Hobbit tradition for birthdays. If you don't know what that is then I suggest you get reading quick! Or just wait until tomorrow :)

I've also put my name in the hat for the Sew Mama Sew May giveaway which happens on the 27th, so I need to get busy for that too! I'm paranoid about forgetting though, I had a doctor's appointment yesterday that I thought was today so I missed it and quite understandably he's got the pip at me. I'm scared it's a sign of advancing age, I've never forgotten something like that before!


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