01 May, 2009

Fashion parade

I picked up my gown, hood and bonnet for graduation on Monday and have been trying on dresses and shoes to figure out what to wear underneath. Hazel suggested I go "nudie-nudies" but I think clothing is a bit more dignified to be honest. Call me old-fashioned. Shoes were a toughie

The high wedges on the right there looked good but I'm too scared of tripping on my way across the stage or simply walking a bit funny. They're better for standing around in (or even better, sitting around in). The choice was really between the low pointy-toed spike heels and the higher court shoes with ankle strap.

The pointy shoes win hands-down, something about the strap on the others just didn't look good with the gown. They look great with the dress on its own, but not with the gown. I did promise myself a new dress or new shoes for this event, but I don't wear the dresses or shoes I do have very often so I can't quite justify it! Maybe I should treat myself to some magic knickers or something really middle-aged like that! (I'm turning 41 in less than two weeks, feeling bitter much?)


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