And add in a few !!11!!! to boot.
Some of you probably know I'm a big fan of Pioneer Woman and her photography blog (plus the amazing recipes!). I've recently started entering photos into her photography challenges just because it's a bit fun and I enjoy seeing my photos in a new light as I go through them looking to see if anything matches that week's subject. This week's is 'Macro'. I entered this one of an Abraham Darby rose in our garden.
and it's one of the semi-finalists (so-to-speak) in her Group 2. "Breathtaking" she says :) Eeeeee!
I think the reason I'm so stoked (aside from the fact that I think it's a gorgeous photo and someone else thinks so too) is that in the last few weeks I've decided that our tastes in photos overlap only moderately and I often see photos in the Flickr pool that blow me away that don't turn up in her finalists and some that turn up that I find completely ordinary. So me liking something is not a guarantee of her liking it by any means. I wonder if she's been getting some flack from people about not being chosen as she's put a bit of a disclaimer in this latest post. What a shame that she should have to, for goodness' sake it's HER competition! Of course it's subjective. Really, I do wonder about the asshattery that's so obvious around the internet sometimes. It seems to bring out the best and worst of people! Anyways, I'm sooo thrilled to be in Group 2, and of course I'd be lying if I said I was completely content with that - but actually in large part I am. Naturally I'd like to win but looking at some of the other entries I'm all "Damn, those are amazing!" so I'm stoked to be included.