16 April, 2010

Bits 'n bobs

A few things that I've neglected to blog about that need to be said:

  1. IMG_2965I finally got the prize(s) from the great Hazelnuts Giveaway finished, many thanks to Vic for being so patient!  She had given me a list of my projects to choose from and I immediately knew that I was going to make the little carry house for her daughter and a pincushion for her.  And then you know what I did?  I sent them off without taking a photo! Aieee!  Luckily she took some for her blog, so you can go over there and check them out.  I should add that if anyone has a 'My Little Pony'-mad daughter three Ponies fit beautifully in the carry house and you can squeeze in 4 in a pinch.  Because sometimes, just sometimes, 3 Ponies aren't enough.  House made from UK lass in US: Fabric dollhouse tutorial.

  2. I've been invited to contribute to The Thrifty Garde Robe and although I haven't got my arse in gear enough to post my shirt refashion there you should all go and visit anyways!  Perhaps this will encourage me to do more of this sort of thing and in fact I do have another refashion partially in the works.  Hazel's not so keen on this one because I forced her to try it on for size when she was trying to watch tv and then I poked her with a pin.  Such shrieks and flailings! Really, you'd think she'd never been poked by a pin before when in fact she HAD, when mum and I fitted her bridesmaid dress 18 months ago.  We obviously didn't poke her hard enough to lodge it in her memory.

  3. If anyone has signed up over at My Sewing Circle and is looking for friends let me know because I'm having a hard time finding people other than just looking through people as they sign up.  I've found a few familiar names but if I've missed you let me know!  I'm Hazelnuts (well der! you say)  I'm hoping they'll put in some sort of notification system when someone friends you, at the moment it's a slightly detatched and impersonal process because they don't know you've done it.

  4. I got to meet another blogger yesterday!  That's always fun.  Turns out that Sarah from Bobby Robin and Kiwi Mummy Blogs and I live in the same neighbourhood, on either side of the main shops. I mean, not even at opposite ends of the place!  I tell you what, being able to discuss blogging and that kind of stuff without a blank stare (or worse rolling of eyes) is brilliant.  Plus I got to pinch the lovely Zoe's chubby little legs.  Hazel had chubby legs too so I get all gushy over them, don't mind me ahem.  Which reminds me, if any other Auckland bloggers want to try for a get-together Sarah's setting one up over at Kiwi Mummy Blogs.


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