There was a bit of fiddling and unripping required, and the bodice is a bit short at the front, but it looks so cute on her. Well it would look cuter if she hadn't been so grumpy and unwilling to model! I'm not sure if she'll be that keen to wear it or not, but in this case I don't care - it was the challenge that I was interested in! Check out the look in this one, 4 going on 14.
The belt is made from a light pink and white striped fabric. We had picked out a blue print to make the belt from but in the end she decided she wanted this one. I might try and get her to have a blue one as well. I think the contrasting colours will be the only thing that saves it from looking like a school uniform which is ironic considering she doesn't have to wear one when she starts (sadly).
The back has a yoke because the shirt did, it really adds to it and in fact I think I like the back more than the front for the lovely way it fits. The grumpiness comes through in spades in this one, clenched fists and all. I'm such a mean mummy!
Good things about repurposing a shirt:
- Not having to do buttonholes or front facings.
- Not having to do hems
- Not having to do yokes
- Not having enough fabric
- Unpicking pockets and labels