04 March, 2010

Shoes beautiful shoes!

This post is all about the shoes. I used to be a real shoe girl. I had lots and lots and I loved them. I even had some snide comments from a couple of people about my shoe choices while pregnant - apparently fecund earth-goddesses shouldn't wear kitten heels or red suede high heels (and I was just trying on my SIL's in that case!). But then the baby arrived and, well, you know how it is. This summer I was reduced to a pair of jandals and if necessary my slip-on Sketchers or runners. With teaching starting yesterday I got a bit of a panic on because while jandals might be a Kiwi institution they don't exactly exude professionalism in front a class of 200+ students. So I hit the discount shoe shop and did pretty well.

First-off were some nice sandals, because it's the end of summer and they were on sale. Hazel approves of them.


Then I found these cuties. They'll look so great with skirts, but also suit jeans. They make me feel slightly school-girlish. They'll lull the students into a false sense of camaraderie and then KAPOW!!! midterm. Because I haven't been a schoolgirl for over 20 years and I'm old and evil.


And lastly I went with these bad boys. Or girls. Whatever. I usually live in black ballet flats, they're my go-to shoe in the winter. I'm not sure how practical these will be (they rub a bit on the side of my foot) but I'll make the most of them while they last! It was a choice between a round-toed pair and these and really it wasn't much of a decision. I love me a pointy toe - I figure my genes resulted in feet with toes just right for wearing pointy toes so who am I to deny my DNA its true and fullest expression? Which technically speaking is Hazel but I think shoes come a close second.



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