I had a board on Pinterest for awhile that said "One day I will learn to knit and crochet" and I really did think it was just a someday kind of thing. Then The Little Craft Store offered crochet for beginners lessons and I knew if I didn't carpe diem then I'd never get around to it. Despite arriving for the first lesson just as it was ending, I have actually managed to crochet! I made sure I was there at the right time for the next lesson and the teacher Jeneatte taught me double and half-treble crochet. To be honest I had no freaking idea what I was doing that first lesson. I sort of got the hang of it but I didn't really know why it was working or which holes to poke the hook in to and frankly my brain hurt and went all fuzzy by the end.
But I practiced at home over the next week and amazingly, by the time Thursday rolled around again I was actually doing it reasonably well. Slow, but yeah, not bad! Next lesson was treble and double-treble, which was pretty easy and made sense. There was some talk of granny squares so Jeneatte showed us how to make one. Like the first lesson, the first few rounds of the granny square were definitely of the WTF variety, I had NO idea what I was doing or why, but she was very patient! "No, a three chain, not one. No, into here. No, you're doing a corner now. The hook goes in here, see?" And then after I'd done 3 rounds it began to make sense and starting another one was easy because I knew how it was constructed. We only did single colours but I got so enthusiastic about it that I bought some more wool from Helen and the next day I went to Meet Me At Mike's 'Granny a Day' page, watched the videos on how to switch colours and was away! I did these on Sunday. I ran out of the white I had so need to get some more before I can finish those three in the front.
Mat says I'm obsessed. But then he suggested I should add in some soft pale green so I think he might kind of approve.
I'm using a 4.5 hook so they're a bit chunky but I think that's good because the blanket will go faster!
My Pinterest board is now called I am learning to crochet