04 February, 2012

The handwriting meme

handwriting meme

I saw this over at Meet Me At Mike's and of course it was super-cool so I had to join in!

The questions I'm answering are these:
1. What is your name
2. Blog URL
3. Write: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
4. Favorite quote
5. Favorite song (at the moment)
6. Favorite band/singers (at the moment)
7. Say anything you want
8. Tag 3-5 bloggers

I'd love to see your handwriting if you would like to do it - it's something we all miss in this digital age I think! My handwriting has become a lot messier than it used to be, partly through dis-use but also because it's only me reading these days! At some point I switched from cursive (all my Uni notes were written in it) to some sort of hybrid printing/cursive thing - prinsive? I read somewhere that some schools are discontinuing teaching cursive but I think that would be a massive shame to be honest - how are kids going to develop a decent signature for one?

Stay tuned for something interesting on Tuesday - the first day back at school for Hazel and the first day of freedom loneliness for me. Ahem.


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