08 February, 2012

A finished quilt

No, that's not the fun thing I promised for yesterday - it had to take a raincheck for a couple more days.

I do think that finishing a quilt is fun though, partly because it means I can get on to something else! I see from the photo from when the top was finished that it's been sitting around since JUNE last year. Yeesh. Anyways, it's done-diddly-done!

Batch of Brownies

The Spotlight basting spray washed out fairly well, although I think there might be a bit left - it's hard to tell to be honest. It certainly feels less stiff! So a reasonable substitute for the mythical 505 spray for those of us downunder. The back was put together from three sections of the linen, hence the two long lines between the two smaller bits.

Batch of Brownies - back

I love the back.  The front...I don't know. I'm not a bright quilt kind of girl, so while I love the linen, and the design (Batch of Brownies by Elizabeth Hartman) and I'm pleased with myself and all that I'm not in love with it. It sort of reminds me of this little little ditty by Tom Brown:

I do not love thee, Dr Fell,
The reason why I cannot tell;
But this I know, and know full well,
I do not love thee, Dr Fell.

Everyone seems horrified that I don't love it, but it must happen right? Tell me your story!

Part of the reason the fun stuff has taken a raincheck is that this little guy has made an appearance in our lives -


He was dumped at a park and has been attacked by a dog. Hazel and her friend Jessica found him and captured him and made us grownups look after him. So here we are with a shared bunny named Sniff. He's been checked over by the vet and at the moment he's at Janet's in a borrowed hutch while we decide if we want to be bunny mummies or not. We don't have a decent back yard for him to live in sadly, so not sure if it'll be us looking after him longterm or not. He sure is a sweetie though!


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