05 May, 2011

Tissue fitting

In amongst other things, such as (endless and always interrupted) window prep, lecturing, trying to remember to get Hazel to school now that we're back after the holidays, tidying the house for a party we're having this weekend and enduring a whole, WHOLE, evening of talking to our life insurance broker (he's a nice guy but honestly!), I've been doing some tissue fitting on a couple patterns.

The first one is a shirt-dress made from the orange fabric on the left

Spotlight Japanese lawn

I'm using Simplicity 2923, which I bought ages ago so it's nice to finally be using it! I'm making the view top right, and aside from a basic FBA (full bust adjustment) to the princess seams that's all the alterations I've had to do, although based on a review of it I may change those waist pleats to darts, we'll see.

The other pattern I'm working on is Vogue 1194

This one is a bit trickier as along with a FBA on a bodice that has heaps of pleats and no darts, I need to drop the waist several cm. I don't know why I have this issue with Vogue, the same thing cropped up on another pattern too. In this case the empire waist is about half way up my boobs! I don't think I'm particularly long in the upper body but obviously I am compared to whatever they base their measurements on. I'm going to do a practice dress in a rather loud pink and purple spotted/striped knit I bought awhile ago. Not sure why exactly but it's coming into its own now!

When I went to the various websites to find the links to the patterns I came across this dress that is gorgeous but I'm not sure about many patterns altogether! Of course, that's part of the charm too.

I also found this Vintage Vogue that I've had my eye on for awhile, but I'm not sure if it would suit someone with boobs and hips. I love that jacket though!

I noticed that Spotlight has some more nice prints in, these were labled as being for 'retro' dresses. I was very very tempted by one that looked a bit like dandelions but then realised they were polycotton, heavy on the poly. Makes for a nice price but not such a nice feel. But still, kind of tempting!


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