I like how people are using the tag feature over at Flickr for their photos so I've done that and it's annotated all to hell :) The desk is in the spare room and also does double duty with the sewing machine; and no, it's not usually so tidy! The whole room was cleaned up last week in anticipation of the Hallowe'en party we had yesterday so I'm quite pleased I was able to keep it relatively tidy until this meme came along.
ETA: I'm amazed how many people doing this meme have Macs! Are we some sort of self-selecting population or something? Does that old adage of 'arty' people using them more really still hold true? Or are we just a really discerning bunch? ;)
For Hallowe'en I carved my first jackolantern for getting on for 15 years! The pumpkins here aren't so well-suited for them as the larger and thinner-walled N.American versions are, but it turned out fine even so. Hazel was entranced, she'd never seen one before!
I also managed a few Hallowe'en-themed treats for the party. These little cupcake ghosts were from somewhere but do you think I can find the link? No I can't. They're fondant draped over those sugared jelly lollies, on top of chocolate cupcakes.
And these marshmallow ones at Martha Stewart
(shouldn't have used buttercream icing in retrospect, too yellow! But they looked better than they do in this photo)
I had a bunch of other ideas for food but either ran out of time or couldn't figure out how to do them with ingredients available in NZ. That was more of an issue than I'd expected, the sheer range of junk food available in the States puts our meagre selection to shame (which is a good thing I know!).
what a bright spot to blog in..btw i'd love to have a closer look at your book collection!
ReplyDeleteAh ace! You did the halloween baking thing too! Ari and I spent two hours looking at Martha's site and making lists of what to bake. Then on the day, it was so hot the faces melted off our Werewolf cupcakes! Oh well!
ReplyDeleteI like your blog HQ - especially that you can see all the way to the back/side fence from it! I don't have a Mac, though, so perhaps I am some sort of PC eccentric?! No matter!
Thanks for playing this week!