Today's meme is What’s Hot + What’s Not Wednesday from Loobylu It'll probably be short, I've got a kitchen full of dishes awaiting (or maybe it'll be long long long - we'll see!).
1. This arrived from Amazon this morning and I've essentially been carrying it around the house with me trying to decide which project to start with. Gorgeous clothes and I'll try and take some photos of some of them for a post tomorrow.

2. Creating fabric with an inkjet printer. I've done a label for Baby Amy's quilt, two Kokeshi dolls and two different patterns from Parasol Craft 2, and then redid the label because I screwed up the first one plus added some trial 'Hazelnuts' labels in case I feel the need to sew one into something I make. Still can't get over how crisp the edges are and how well the Epson ink sets.
3. making cute fabric-covered buttons.
4. Pavlova with lashings of whipped cream and strawberries. And also because it's been proved to be a New Zealand dessert, despite the
5. Hazel saving her pocket money to buy a 'My Little Pony'. I might think they're awful but she's been saving for 5 weeks now and she's only just 4.
Not Hot
1. Marking 71 essays in a week instead of two because I put off doing them until it was almost too late.
2. National's move to privatise ACC. Or ACT's, talk about the tail wagging the dog. One of the problems of MMP is whacko fringe parties actually getting a taste of power. Acronyms much?
3. Trying to make dinner and bathe the child at the same time due to poor time management and ending up with a late dinner and a tired child. Three nights in a row.
4. Having the 'flu, then a cold right on the heels of that, then Hazel getting chicken pox (late nights for me), and cold symptoms that just won't go away. I feel like I've been sick for a month. Geez that sounds whiney but it gets you down after awhile.
5. The messy spare room. I hate how it attracts all the junk in the house and that I can't keep it clean no matter how good my intentions. It makes it hard to think when it's so messy.
congrats on the teaching offer! hope the young lady is feeling better.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you have all been so sick. It's a drag - and it's ok to whine about it! That book looks great. xx