
27 January, 2012

I have my cushions back

AMQG cushion challenge prize, originally uploaded by Hazelnutgirl.

And guess what - the cathedral window one was first in the viewer's choice voting in the exhibition of all the AMQG pillows! And the circles one came second! I'm super-chuffed about that but also feel rather bad in a strange way, like just one would have been more than enough and I'm some sort of show-off or something. I live in fear of being thought a show-off to be honest, just like I hate being late or forgetting something. Is my Freudian slip showing? ;) Luckily Helen from The Little Craft Store came third with her cute owl so I had a fellow blogger to share the glory with. And there's no denying I do love my pillows and am very proud of them :) The Cathedral Window is going to Mum as her Christmas present - I had to give her a IOU on the day which she was very good about.

The prize was a wonderful box of goodies from Patchwork Passion - a bundle of gorgeous fat 1/8s (I think that's what they are), some lovely lovely ribbons, and the Modern Mix book by Jessica Levitt. I think I might be a convert to challenges :)


  1. no need to feel bad your cushions were stand out and your sewing is alway lovely :)

    1. I guess I'm like my Mum, she always wants everyone to win!

  2. Women are notorious for downplaying their talents, beauty, and gifts. I'm learning to let myself shine with joy...not full of bravado, but in a way that feels right. Be proud of yourself!! Your cushions ARE gorgeous. I think we fear that someone won't like us, or that someone will feel badly because they didn't win when you did. Bah! Revel in your talent and success!

  3. Totally awesome! I can see why you won both top spots, your pillows are beautiful but also technically challenging to sew and we can all tell what a nice job you did!

  4. I didn't see the others, however, yours are amazing !! !! Be proud in your win !! !!

  5. Thank you! And yes, I think we do tend to worry people won't like us if we do well.

  6. well done you! I'm not at all surprised though; the colour combinations are fresh and lovely, and the skill level obviously A+ :)
