
14 May, 2011

KCWC - there has been progress!

And it's my birthday! But that's incidental to this post :) I have been working away on the KCWC stuff, but only got the buttons sewed on this tunic this morning. It's from the Ottobre 1/2010 issue and size 110cm (but 116cm in length - glad I finally came to terms with Ottobre sizing and don't fight that discrepancy between width and length!). I might need to shift the buttons left a bit though, it's ever so slightly tight across the chest.

Chihuahua tunic for KCWC

I was really pleased with the puppy applique, I've never done it before and it went beautifully. I fused the fabric down first, and then went around the edges with zigzag with a tear away stabiliser underneath. As usual the pinks have blown out in the photo, it's just a really deep fuschia, not neon! Styling by Hazel, she also chose all the mismatched buttons and was also quite firm that the puppy had to be pink, not blue as in the image for the pattern. The embroidered eye reflections were my addition as it looked a little creepy and soulless otherwise, and also the line for the muzzle - which isn't quite in the right place but I don't think I can be bothered changing it to make it angle down a bit more.

Chihuahua tunic for KCWC

She seems pretty keen on it so far, which is making my heart happy. So is the birthday cake I just took out of the oven (yum, sultana cake, the Craig family traditional birthday cake) and the new radio/iPhone/CD player Mat and Hazel got me for the kitchen so I can listen to National Radio properly! My old radio was...old, and couldn't keep stations tuned in properly and would fuzz out if someone stood in a particular part of the kitchen or walked past. And now I can listen to all my music on my iPhone, and podcasts for when there's nothing decent on the radio - like on Saturday afternoons.

Chihuahua tunic for KCWC


  1.  Happy Birthday - I also can not figure out Ottobre sizing - I have two years worth of pattern books and haven't made a thing.  They are pretty to look at :)

  2. I especially like the eclectic buttons! Have a wonderful birthday!

  3.  I LOVE the mismatched buttons. She looks really cute in it.

  4. From what I can gather, most people have problems with Ottobre sizing in that the chest/waist/hip measurements are usually a size or two smaller than the height of their child. I just couldn't get my head around the fact that Hazel would fit a 98cm size when she was well over 110cm tall - but now that I have I just cut to the smaller size except for the length, where I go to her height size. I don't know whether Finnish kids are particularly wide for their height, but the mismatch been consistent ever since Hazel was a baby. They're really quite nice patterns once you get that straight, I highly recommend you get yours out and have a go! Though having said that I wasn't exactly thrilled with how the front and neck facings came together, or the shape of the neckline at the bottom there, not sure if it's the pattern or if I did something not quite right. As long as she keeps it all buttoned up it'll be fine!

  5. Yeah me too! Hazel had a wonderful time sorting through the blue button jar and I think it was one of the aspects of the pattern (other than the puppy) that she liked about the top when she saw it in the magazine.

  6. I think so too, but I'm probaby biased ;) She loves anything with buttons on it that are a bit out of the ordinary, even more so when they're used for decoration or to make a picture like a flower. I should do it more because it's an easy way to make a top or a skirt look really special - and increase the chances that she'd actually wear the item!

  7. Happy birthday Jacqui! It was mine too on Saturday.  I can totally imagine those puppy eyes looking a bit zombie-like without the dots; good job on giving it the x-factor :) 

  8. Happy birthday Jacqui. Hope you had a great day. Love Hazel's top!  Gorgeous. 

  9. Happy birthday to you too! I love finding people with the same birthday as me, makes me feel like exciting things did actually happen on the 14th - despite what the history books say :)

    I know that chihuahuas have dead cold eyes, but I didn't really want to have to look at them on the tunic, so I did my best ;) It's amazing what two little white dots can do to trick the eye into thinking something has a bit of shine to it.

  10. Hello from Vancouver bc
    Lovely tunique !!!!!!
    My daughter (5 1/2 ) is also a bit
    Picky with the clothes I make for her
    Unless it s hello kitty fabric;)
