
10 May, 2011

KCWC Day 1

KCWC Day 1, originally uploaded by Hazelnutgirl

I was hoping to have all this pattern tracing and cutting out done by today but have more than spent my allocated hour on it! I'm not adding on the seam allowances which saves a lot of time, but makes me awfully nervous! I'm hoping to get some cutting out done tonight.

I committed the cardinal sin of totally forgetting to prewash the fabrics and only discovered it when I went to grab one to start cutting out. Cue hurried wash and bunging through the drier and a hot iron and they're all good to go. Thank goodness for modern technology sometimes!

I have to say that this is the bit of sewing that I really don't like, it's boring and fiddly and unfortunately totally necessary! I dislike cutting out even more, but again, kind of necessary. It seems to take me an inordinate amount of time, and I don't think it's just that trick that time has where it telescopes out for less desirable tasks! I think I'm too focused on being exact when I don't need to be quite so anal about it. Or maybe I'm just slow. Either way I hate it! Onwards and upwards though. Dad says I should say "Excelsior!" instead - go and read the poem and tell me if he's right.


  1. I can't relate more with the cutting, I HATE it. When patterns have many pieces it's a nightmare; like a purse, with all the layers and interfacings etc. Fortunately I LOVE sewing because if it wasn't that important for me I would throw everything out the window.

    Anyways, hold on, what keeps me going is the need to see the item finished. Remember that practice makes perfection.

  2. haha, we'd make a good team, the cutting out is my favourite bit :) ....and the ironing.

  3. The sewing part definitely makes it worthwhile! I like to do all the tracing and cutting at once, and then enjoy the sewing. Sort of how I like to eat my least favourite things on my plate first, so I can enjoy the best stuff at the end.

    I'm much faster at cutting out than I used to be (yay for discovering rotary blades!) but it'll never be my favourite part :)

  4. Ooo, I like ironing too! It's very satisfying to iron a newly sewn seam and have it go all lovely and crisp and perfect. One of the dresses has some little pleats on the yoke that I'm really looking forward to doing for that reason. Feel free to come over and do my cutting though :)

  5. you are awesome! good on you for getting started. i don't think I can even remember my sewing machine at the moment, let alone figure out what it was I was going to do with xyz fabric, so another KCWC is going to pass me by. such is life. look forward to seeing your productions though!

  6. I actually know a person who signs some of his emails with "Excelsior!", especially when said email is proposing a highly unlikely plan of action. May the cutting work out better for you than climbing the mountain did for the young man.

  7. Hmm! I'll have to consider a larger cutting mat, mine is too small. ;)

  8. Yes, dying on a glacier clutching a pair of scissors and some fabric doesn't really do it for me (oddly enough). I'm quite sure that if a nice young man implored me not to do it and offered for me to rest my head on his chest I'd probably take him up on it. Not very noble or very poetic!

  9. It really does speed up the cutting for sure. I've got one of the larger ones, and even that's not really quite big enough for adult clothes (find for kid sizes) but it's worth a bit of juggling for the speed and accuracy.

  10. Found you from Cheryl @ time to craft. I'm going to give the felt bunny a try. thanks for your generosity with the pattern.

  11. I am totally with you on the cutting out!!
