
07 January, 2010

Crafting slump

Man I'm feeling so unmotivated to get doing anything at the moment. It's like I burned myself out before Christmas! I'm reading the books and feeling all inspired but I just can't make myself get on to the things I need to do next that are left over from before Christmas. The first one is the shirt for Mat, and then a couple things for me. Bleh. Well I suppose I just need to make myself start and then it'll be fine, but it's so hard! I'd rather start on something quick and cute and easy from I ♥ Patchwork but Mat is so keen for his shirt and I know that I need to do it first no matter what. It's all just displacement I'm sure, I'm just a bit nervous of sewing something for him in case he doesn't like it!

So in lieu of anything crafty I thought I'd share one of the things I like most about my blog stats - looking at the location of readers. There are some really neat town names in there! Here are some of my favourites from the last couple days:

Schwenningen, Baden-Wurttemberg
Eskisehir, Turkey
Titusville, Florida
Vadstena, Ostergotlands Lan
Schenectady, New York
Cocoa, Florida
New Iberia, Louisiana
Medicine Hat, Alberta
Waukesha, Wisconsin
Bumpass, Virginia
Heiloo, Noord-Holland
Biloxi, Mississippi
Traverse City, Michigan
Hlohovec, Trnava
Tallinn, Harjumaa
Tehachapi, California
Cagliari, Sardegna
Ziezmariai, Kauno Apskritis

Are you from any of these places? I want to hear what they're like because I love the names! A couple are familiar, but mostly they're exotic and far-away sounding, especially the ones with more consonants than vowels :) The only one I've been to is Medicine Hat but I can't go past that name!


  1. I am feeling the exact same way! I had so many projects to complete before the holidays, I may have burned out a little bit. Yesterday I went to our local fabric store and bought some new fabric to try to get motivated. I'll get back to it soon. Can't wait to see what you complete next!

  2. Yip I can relate to the crafty slump. I crashed big time after Christmas, in fact I feel really bad and didn't make it to Global Fabrics. Sorry about that, I'm bummed I missed it, but I just didn't go anywhere.

    I did however decide to sort out my craft room, which could possibly be why I haven't been in there as well. I managed about 1/2 hour a day and it is still a shambles LOL.

  3. Hi Jacqui, I'm the follower from Traverse City, Michigan. I love following your blog and wishing I were as creative as you. I'm in a slump now too but I think it's because of the weather. Michigan is shaped like a mitten and Traverse City is located by the little finger of that mitten right on Lake Michigan. It's 26 degrees here right now and gloomy (grey most of the winter) but in the summer it's the best place to be! BTW, this is the first time I've ever posted a comment to a blog. Yeah, you are my first!

  4. I hope you get your mojo back soon, meanwhile do anything else but craft stuff is just the only way. Don't worry, it will come back

  5. Hmmmm well if you are in a slump a pair of nice pink felt booties would get you right back in the mood :P

  6. I'm glad that others are experiencing the burn-out too :)

    Carolyn - nice to know I'm responsible to drawing a lurker out of the woodwork! I liked the name Traverse City because it sounded like you guys were going somewhere.

  7. I don't live in Traverse Michigan, I'm closer to Detroit. I was going to comment about it, but I see Carolyn already did :) I know it is a great vacation spot for a lot of friends that live near me (I'm at the thumb area)
