
09 January, 2010

52 Fridays: A self-portrait challenge

When I read in Holly's Two Cheese Please blog late last night about her aim to post a self-portrait every Friday I thought it was a neat idea, and then Ellie at Petalplum did it too and I was sold. Not entirely sure why, except that it's definitely going to force me out of my comfort zone because I've never liked photos of me and I have reams of them of other people and very few of me. I think making myself put up a photo of me, unretouched, every week might actually be good for my soul. I don't actually promise to remember every week but I'll try!

So here's the first one. It was taken last night about midnight, after I came back from seeing Avatar.

Week 1

I was up until 1am last night which is hugely late for me these days and then what with Hazel coming into bed with me around 2:30 and the cat throwing up on a rug in the bedroom at some point after that, I feel rather hung-over and crap this morning!


  1. Love the portrait, great idea! Don't think I've seen a pic of you before - kinda fun to see you!

  2. Lovely idea, I too have a phobia of having my picture taken, but i really like this idea, good on you! i love your blog.

  3. Hi Jacqui, I think this self-portrait idea is very brave. I too am one of those who hates most pics of herself. This photo of you at midnight is very nice - I look like something that washed up on the shore at that hour.
    I love your blog - your hand-made things are awesome. How you have time for your projects, raising a child, and doing a blog is a quite a trick of time management. Keep up the good work.

  4. @Anna - it's always funny to see a blogger for the first time and whether they look like the mental image you have of them.

    @Purr-Furr - thanks!

    @Erin - awww thanks! Seems funny to have someone wonder how I manage all this since I'm frequently wondering the same about most other bloggers.

    @Shelly - My hair is in a ponytail :) I never wear it any other way, which is why I'm seriously contemplating cutting it short again!

  5. dont cut it short! i like it. it gives you an air of french sassy sophistication with that fringe. i'm seriouslyl contemplating growing mine out. its no good at a middle short length it either has to be really short and sculpted or long enough to pull back with fringe.. i hate it as it is now and am at my wits end with it.
    but back to you :) i love the idea of once a week. i have an online friend who does a pic a day for a year. abit much after awhile to keep looking at him make goofy faces lol

  6. Donna, I'm still undecided about the hair so I'll mark you down for long. And I'll try and keep the (intentionally) goofy faces to a minimum.

  7. I'm with Donna Hate Hate Hate the middle short length I am heading that direction at the moment. I miss my pony!! That's my style "pony and go" which of course isn't really I style but I certainly do miss it.
    Looking good BTW :)

  8. Wow, you look different than I had imagined. Younger !!!

  9. Hey you look cute! And yay for participating! I hate photos being taken of me too so I'm hoping that by the end of this challenge I no longer cringe when someone points a camera at me.

    I'll send you an invite to our Flickr group so you can post your new portrait every Friday :)

    And PS: I had that exact same look after I saw Avatar too. A mix of awe and ow-those-3D-glasses-really-strained-my-eyes!

