
06 January, 2010

I Love Patchwork...I think I really do!

Here's another Christmas book, Rashida Coleman-Hale's I ♥ Patchwork.

I Love Patchwork

This was a bit of a punt in the dark as the preview on Amazon consisted of one project, a few glimpses, and the list of projects. I don't think I've seen it reviewed anywhere either, but I do like her blog and linen so thought I'd give it a try. Ooooo I'm so glad I did! I'd say I'm keen to do about 3/4 of the projects and desperate to about 1/2 of them - not a bad hit rate I'd say! So I thought I'd just quickly show a few of the ones I've got in mind:

The travel sewing kit - I love the little pincushion in the middle.
I Love Patchwork

Cosmetics bag - I love linen combined with more colourful cottons. I can see this in reds, pinks or yellows too. Or a bigger shoulder bag using the same technique for the bottom third?
I Love Patchwork

This little lamb softie was a total surprise for me when I turned the page, I totally did not expect to find toys in this book! But considering I have a weakness for softies I think it was very restrained of me to only go "Oh!" in a small, girly voice.
I Love Patchwork

I love this sewing machine cover, although since my machine doesn't have a permanant place to live and needs to be carted around by its handle I don't think it's practical at this point. But when I get my own sewing room one day look out!
I Love Patchwork

The button calendar is genius. Even Mat said it was pretty neat. They're attached with velcro, but I think you could something really neat with magnets and a bit of metal in the body too.
I Love Patchwork

So this really gets the big thumbs up from me and I've discovered a couple more projects that I'm interested in since taking the photos, including a great fold-up shopping bag that's very similar to envirosax in concept. I love my envirosax but I also love the idea of something in natural fabrics. Which they do, but at about 5 times the cost of doing it yourself!


  1. Oh I love this book too. Such sweet styling, and doable projects. I'm planning on making the button calendar too, think it's so cute!
    I did make some little picnic placemat roll up things, inspired by the lettered placemats {which I still have to photograph and blog about....}. I can see myself using this book lots and lots.
    And that little lambie is so so so delicious, her skirt and all... oooooohhhh.
    Such a well written, styled and layed out book. Yah!

  2. I've just found your blog and this entry - so unsure if it will show - but I love this book too!  I buy a lot of craft books and might if I'm lucky do one project out of them -  this one I've done three and I would have attempted the calendar, had I been able to find the fabric stamps here in Aus.

    Oh and I really like your blog as well.
