
24 April, 2013

Emerging from the fog

In less than two months we've bought a house, put our old one on the market, sold it, packed, moved, and largely unpacked, kept the cat in for 10 days, tried to clean cat pee out of carpets (our old house was all polished floor boards), and after a drought dealt with constant rain and no covered deck or garage to keep things dry until we find a place for them. Yeah. And now I am starting to think about things artsy crafty again - it really does feel like emerging from a fog of packing and boxes and general logistics. When I got to stitching group on Wednesday, after about a month off, I really felt like I was returning to real life!

I've also started back on the Monday Bee blocks which I'm shockingly behind on. I had four to do, and I've just finished Carolyn's 'Cheery Canary' improv block. The brief was only 25% of the block in prints, and a canary must appear once. The others had done such great blocks I really didn't know what to do, although I did know I was jealous of Megan's effort which put small triangles and then squares in mind. Eventually I had this mental image of yellow squares tumbling across the light grey, gradually turning into dark grey triangles. I think I came fairly close, although it's not quite as I'd imagined. I think that's partly due to the number of seams in the block which I find kind of distracting, but hopefully they will be less noticeable after quilting.

Bee block for Carolyn

It was quite satisfying to put together!

I also found the photos I'd taken of Laurina's and Linda's blocks, both of which were nice to do - I thought the technique for Laurina's hexagons was fascinating, especially the way you end up with two very different-looking blocks from the same two sewn-together strips of fabric.

Bee blocks for Laurina

Bee blocks for Linda Now on to Shelly's, Mel's and Karyn's!


  1. Wow, you deserve a medal! Or perhaps some serious crafting time? Love the block you made for Carolyn, it's perfect!

  2. It sounds like you've been through a lot with your move. That's good that things are starting to feel normal again. I love your gray and yellow block. It really does look like sunshine emerging from gray fog. I love the surprise of the little birds when I went from the small picture on my feed to your blog. Very nice!

  3. i feel tired reading about all that you've done. It is great you've got through it and resumed something like normal service. Your blocks are sweet, especially the yellow and gray one.

  4. The Cheery Canary is so cute!
