
29 March, 2013

It's painful but...

So Reader is closing down and I need a new RSS aggregator. What a pain. It seems like Blog Lovin' is the crafty blogger's choice at the moment, so despite the incredibly painful name I've decided to "claim my blog" and if you are making the switch over in that direction you can Follow my blog with Bloglovin by clicking the link. I actually just imported everything lock stock and barrel straight from Google, so much for good intentions of whittling it down a bit!

Packing and general insanity proceeds apace here. I've got a swap to send off to the Netherlands on Tuesday which is largely done but I have two bee blocks to do for my quilt group that are due in a few days too so I'm going to try and continue the juggling act of sewing and packing and painting Hazel's new room. I am woman, watch me multitask!

Here is Ollie this morning, about to fall asleep on my lap. Dogs just don't do laps as well as cats, it's awkward all-round, but he does love being as close to us as he can get! 



  1. He is such a cutie that Ollie! We had a umber of pugs growing up and those little faces are something! Good luck super woman with your multitasking!

  2. I found the name horrific too, but prefer it to GR. Ollie looks adorable!

  3. Jacqui MiyabayashiJune 26, 2013 at 2:28 PM

    Cute! You moved house? Congrats!
    I am reading your blog today on Feedly. On my iPad. It's very easy. I imported all my feeds automatically.
