
05 September, 2012

Wonky star bee blocks

For my Monday Modern group bee blocks I'm asking everyone to make me wonky stars using linen and vintage sheets. Everyone got a small bundle with an assortment of pink, blue, yellow and 'white' sheet scraps. The white are actually prints that have a lot of white background and soft colours, and I've included some solid white fabric just to make it more obvious.


 I'm really very excited about this bee! I had to laugh at myself a bit though, while taking this bright and happy photo because look what it was doing just out of frame...


 ...just bucketing down! In fact, by the time I took the top photo it was raining so hard that it was bouncing up off the deck (which is covered all the way to the steps out there btw) and getting on the fabric - if you look hard at the pink on the left you can see the raindrops.


  1. LOVE this idea for a quilt ! I'm really loving vintage sheets at the moment

  2. This is the first time I have been part of a bee and was very excited to get the little bundle of fabric and instructions. I am away at the moment and sending this from a Mac - see if that works better.

  3. It worked! Must be because you wrote it on a Mac ;)

    I'm really looking forward to seeing all your blocks but after doing Helen's the month before I suspect that the fun might be more in making them for the others because it's all care but no responsibility when you're done. Are you thinking about what you'd like to do for your month yet?

  4. I love linen, wonky stars and vintage sheets - I'm pretty sure I'm on to a winner combination here! I've got masses of sheets if you need some more, just let me know and you can have a rummage and a cup of tea one day if you'd like!
