
04 September, 2012

Commenting issues

I've been using Disqus for my comments for awhile now, I was having such problems with the Blogger system not allowing people to comment, and because it wouldn't create conversations. It seems though, that there are just as many people who can't leave comments here with Disqus! I don't really know what to do. I would consider just removing Disqus and going back to Blogger just to see how it works, but then I'd lose all the formatting of the comments, and possibly lose some altogether.

The ideal situation would be finding out what issues people are having with the Disqus system so I can approach Disqus and try and solve the issues before getting rid of it. It would mean people who can't comment sending me an email with as many details as you can give - like an error message or what happens (or doesn't!) after you hit the send button. Would you do that? You can send them to the email under 'contact me' - just type that in rather than clicking on it because it's an image.

Thank you! I want to fix this so that you can all comment happily.


  1. Hi Jacqui. good idea to check out what's hapening. I've never really had any problems with Disqus comments on your blog. today it was a little slow to load. hope you get to the bottom of it. j

  2. I seem to have problems with commenting from my uni computer - it takes ages to load and sometimes I can't get the comment area to appear. It's probably a sign I shouldn't be faffing around!! I'm commenting from my home computer and no problems today.

  3. I used to have problems using my old computer. Disqus wouldn't load at all. There was no sign at all of the comment area anywhere which used to drive me nuts! I had the same problem on every blog that used Disqus, not just yours and assume that it was because my computer was a dinosaur.

  4. This is probably too obvious, but could those people have turned off Javascript, maybe?

  5. testing to see what happens ;)

  6. worked. didnt have to register (which is great, i refuse to register with any blog or app :p) and didnt have to sign in with FB either.. soooo much easier to comment now than before!

  7. My problem with Disqus is that comments in my blog are never sent to my email box. I've contacted them about it, but nothing's been done so far.
