
19 August, 2012

Polaroid Quilt

Awhile back I posted some photos of the Polaroids I'd made for my Monday Night Modern quilt group (ok we're still arguing about our name but I think it's some sort of variation on that theme!). We put all of them in a pile and then sorted them out by colour and all took a pile home to turn into a quilt for the NICU unit at Starship. I hadn't managed to get the binding on for the last meeting, but it went in on Thursday when I had my second crochet lesson! But that's another post ;)


I got lucky with the red blocks, and they went beautifully with this blue. Making them really wonky wasn't hard, but it made quilting it a real pain because all the bias along the edges caused a lot of stretching in places. It's ok, and I'm sure with a good wash it'll all crinkle up and not be so obvious but it buts me none-the-less! The spotty binding is very cute, and if it weren't destined for a very deserving tiny baby then I'd totally keep it for myself!


  1. I'm not surprised that you're tempted to keep this, its gorgeous!

  2. Love this. The red, the blue, the cute prints, spotty binding (always a winner!).

  3. Love it! The perfect binding and quilting lines. Your quilting looks fine from what I can see.
