
22 August, 2012

Learning to crochet

I had a board on Pinterest for awhile that said "One day I will learn to knit and crochet" and I really did think it was just a someday kind of thing. Then The Little Craft Store offered crochet for beginners lessons and I knew if I didn't carpe diem then I'd never get around to it. Despite arriving for the first lesson just as it was ending, I have actually managed to crochet! I made sure I was there at the right time for the next lesson and the teacher Jeneatte taught me double and half-treble crochet. To be honest I had no freaking idea what I was doing that first lesson. I sort of got the hang of it but I didn't really know why it was working or which holes to poke the hook in to and frankly my brain hurt and went all fuzzy by the end.

Learning to crochet. It's been a very long long time since I have learned a brand-new skill and while I don't enjoy feeling all fingers and thumbs and more than a little clueless I'm enjoying the challenge. Not to mention staving off Alzheimer's for a lit

But I practiced at home over the next week and amazingly, by the time Thursday rolled around again I was actually doing it reasonably well. Slow, but yeah, not bad! Next lesson was treble and double-treble, which was pretty easy and made sense. There was some talk of granny squares so Jeneatte showed us how to make one. Like the first lesson, the first few rounds of the granny square were definitely of the WTF variety, I had NO idea what I was doing or why, but she was very patient! "No, a three chain, not one. No, into here. No, you're doing a corner now. The hook goes in here, see?" And then after I'd done 3 rounds it began to make sense and starting another one was easy because I knew how it was constructed. We only did single colours but I got so enthusiastic about it that I bought some more wool from Helen and the next day I went to Meet Me At Mike's 'Granny a Day' page, watched the videos on how to switch colours and was away! I did these on Sunday. I ran out of the white I had so need to get some more before I can finish those three in the front.


Mat says I'm obsessed. But then he suggested I should add in some soft pale green so I think he might kind of approve.


I'm using a 4.5 hook so they're a bit chunky but I think that's good because the blanket will go faster!

My Pinterest board is now called I am learning to crochet


  1. yay! it is addictive I think. I'm halfway ok a third of the way through a new blanket and its doing my head in so having a rest. I think the best part about learning was when i got to the point where I could do it without looking, so I could start watching tv and doing it at the same time. I fly through them that way! I took my crochet to Luscious one day and had a scone and a coffee, then realised with scone in hand how nanna i must have looked! good on you! next you can try some amigurumi!

  2. Love. The colours are all so sweet together.

  3. I love this - yah that you could change the name of your pin board!!! I need to learn to knit, maybe next year. Do you read Foxs Lane blog - I couldn't believe when I read that she only learnt to knit 2 or so years ago; so it's possible to get good quick (maybe - theres hope anyway).
    Crochet is addictive. I think in a different way than sewing - its just so amazing that you can make something out of a ball of string! I love that Sam and the kids are part of my crochet, in a more direct way than sewing. And it's so portable (everyone at school is used to seeing me with crochet hook and often a rock too). You'll have that blanket done in no time!
    A size 10 hook and tshirt yarn (make your own out of old tshirts) goes even faster.......

    Enjoy the hooking!

    Ellie - PetalplumEllieabeck xx

  4. yay for you! crochet is great and your granny's look fab! and the pale green will look great :) before you know it you will be making all sorts of things!

  5. Congrats! There will be no stopping you now ")

  6. Fun! I daren't take up another handcraft or nothing would ever get finished.

  7. Congratulations on your progress! I love to crochet...I learned when I was twenty years old by watching a video!!! It's actually pretty easy to learn, as I tell most people, and once you get the hang of it, you're "hooked" (pardon the pun!). I have always wanted to learn to knit, but I always thought it might be harder than crochet, but everyone tells me that it's easy.

  8. Doing it without looking! That IS advanced. Having said that, I did manage to crochet a bit of a granny square the other day while watching a subtitled Danish murder mystery and carry on a text conversation, although I'm not sure how well I did any of those three! And hey, being nana is very in these days :)

  9. Thank you! Theyr'e sort of just what was available at the shop but they do go well together I think - even my husband agrees!

  10. I've tried knitting and I've tried crochet and I can say that I picked up crochet a LOT more quickly than knitting - which probably goes without saying since I still don't know how to knit ;) The crochet teacher (who does both) says she thinks crochet is a lot more forgiving of mistakes than knitting, particularly with tension.
    I pinned a great 'tutorial' that shows how to crochet a basket using tshirt yarn and the biggest hook I've ever seen! Looks super-cool.

  11. I know, that's the exciting part - amigurumi next I think!

  12. LOL, my quest for world domination of crochet begins ;)

  13. Forbrydelsen? is it better than it's american version? Season 1 of the Killing was great but they ruined all that good work in Season 2! Hope you're still enjoying the crocheting and go amigurumi! my girls have benefitted in that department!

  14. Borgen :) But by the same production company as The Killing. I haven't seen the American version but really I can't see it being better than the original? Not because it's so completely amazing but the Americans always Amercanise these things to the point of ruining them. Still haven't watched all of the Killing but so far Borgen is better. Actually it's like comparing apples and oranges because they're such different subjects but I was up until 2am with Borgen and not with The Killing!
    No amigurumi yet, I need to get a few techniques down first before trying.

  15. Actually, it *was* The Killing by the time I was doing the crochet! But everything else in the previous comments still stands!

  16. Your grannies are so cute! One day, maybe I'll make some grannies. I've not done loads of crochet, but I've made several large blankets, so you would think grannies wouldn't be all that intimidating. Maybe it's the idea of hand-sewing all of them together...

  17. Changing colours every round is a bit of a pain, but yeah they're pretty easy! I stitched my pillow together really fast too, so hand-sewing isn't too bad and kind of a nice change from the crochet hook!
